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Things You Need To Know Before Buying Property on Auction

  Looking at Newspapers today, you will not miss finding one or two properties, including land, which are up for sale through auction. Buying such property on auction will enable you to get it at a good price, that cannot be accessed when you go through normal procedures, including having to deal with brokers or middlemen. However cheap auction property might be, there is always a question of whether you will get a good deal or not, and this is why you need to know some of these basic things before opting to go for an auction, to bid for a property/land. Find Property in Uasin Gishu County Baoriat Agencies Call: +254 721-554-937 It is always good to focus on factors that impact the validity of the auction sale which includes; Is the auctioneer licensed? An auction can only be legal if the auctioneer is a qualified individual who holds a valid auctioneering license, usually issued by the Auctioneers Licensing Board. The auctioneer must also be authorized to sell the item put

Where to Buy Land: Uasin Gishu Developing Plans For 6 Fast-Growing Trading Centers

  The County Government of Uasin Gishu Uasin Gishu is finalizing the development of physical plans for several fast-growing trading centers within the county.   Together with expert input from the National Land Commission and The State Department of Physical Planning, the county through the Department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning, and Urban development have been able to come up with Physical Plans for several centers among them Kipsigak, Garage, Tuiyo, Kaplolo, Ngeria and Kipsangui. Chief Officer for Physical Planning and Urban Development Kenneth Mbeka while chairing a presentation session for the plans noted that the process included the Urban Development identification of the main planning issues in the centers, providing its spatial framework to act as a basis for developing standards and regulations.   "A key factor in the process of coming up with these Physical Plans was the incorporation of environmental concerns for sustainable development and provision a fram

Cost of Credit to Businesses, Households Set to Drop – Here’s why

  By Business Daily The Treasury has scrapped the 20 percent excise duty on bank loan fees, setting the stage for possible drop in the cost of credit to businesses and households. The removal of the excise tax is contained in the Finance Bill and will see banks save up to Sh7 billion annually on taxes generated from fees charged on processing loans. Bankers say the cut will ease pressure on lenders to raise loan costs given the fees that attract the excise duty account for an average of 2.5 percent of the overall lending rates. “The first schedule to the Excise Tax Act, 2015 is amended in part three, in the definition of ‘other fees’ by deleting the word ‘fees or commissions’ earned in respect of a loan,” the Treasury says in the Bill. The 20 percent excise tax was introduced in 2018, triggering an increase in the cost of bank services, including loans, transfers — both local and international — over-the-counter withdrawals as well as ATM transactions and account operating fees.

Cost of plots in Eldoret estates

Eldoret is today ranked among the fastest growing towns in Kenya and also the fifth most populated urban center. The town which is seeking an elevation into a city is rightfully among those with high demand in the land - for commercial purposes like plots for rental houses or business buildings. Eldoret has many estates, some old, and many others that are coming up due to rising demand in housing units. If you're looking to buy a plot in this City of champions, here is a summary of the price range for some of the popular estates; Elgon View This is an estate exclusively reserved for individuals looking for land to set up a home. The smallest piece of land you can buy is half an acre which costs Ksh15 million. Kimumu Located along the Eldoret-Iten road, about a 15-minute drive from the Eldoret CBD, Kimumu is an estate good for commercial houses. A 1/8 acre piece of land costs between Ksh1 million to 2.5 million. Roadblock This is another estate that is good for setting up rental hou

Home Ownership through Mortgages Set To Receive Boost under New Regulations

  By Business Daily Financial institutions like commercial banks will be required to immediately give up the full rights to individual apartment buyers when they finish paying up their mortgages or loans under new regulations aimed at boosting homeownership. This is opposed to the past where buyers purchasing property on loan under a mortgage scheme could only get a partial discharge from a financial institution upon completion of payment of the loan. The ministry is now collecting public views on the draft Sectional Properties Regulations 2021, which outline the issuance of title documents for individual houses on multi-storeyed buildings paving the way for the gazettement of the rules. Find Property in Uasin Gishu County Baoriat Agencies Call: +254 721-554-937 The new law will empower individual housing units owner(s) to utilize their properties as they wish without jeopardizing the interests of other units’ owners. This will allow the sale of property and the use of the sect

7 Things You Must Establish Before Buying Land

  It is no longer a secret that land buying and selling business in Kenya is full of conmen and cartels – or whatever name you want to call them. Always often or not, you will hear people complaining that they have been conned, or cases of people lamenting how they paid for a non-existent piece of land. As much as conmanship is there, and you’re likely to encounter such people out to take advantage of others, there are some basic things you can do to help reduce the risk of losing your hard-earned money/savings to cons. Here are 7 things you must establish before buying land – in any part of Kenya; -       Always be sure that the land you’re about to buy actually exists. This is by making a physical visit to where it is. Never be satisfied with photos. -       Find out what is planted in the land – especially if you’re looking for agricultural land. -       Be sure to positively know that the person selling you land is the real owner. To know this, do a land search and also

How to Buy Land/Property in an Auction in Kenya

  Just like you can buy a car, house, or something else during an auction, land is also part of an asset that you can acquire through auction. The main advantage of buying land or property through an auction is that you will get it at a far lower price than the market value, although it won’t be that low because laws governing auctions in Kenya require that the price should not be below 75% of the actual value. Some people are usually hesitant to buy property in an auction due to the many risks involved, but the truth is that if you follow due process, there’s nothing to worry about. Buying a property/land through the auction will require you to go through the following 8 main steps; 1 .        Looking for the land/property up for auction Land or property set for auctioning is usually advised in newspapers and other public places. You can also get to know which land is up for an auction through real estate websites, real estate agents, local banks as well as housing finance.