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Showing posts from June 6, 2021

Where to Buy Land: Proposed Physical Plan for Chereber Trading Centre Approved By Uasin Gishu County

  The Uasin Gishu County Executive has approved a proposed local physical and land use development plan for Chereber trading center. County’s Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development Department has now submitted the proposed plan to the Uasin Gishu County Assembly for consideration and final approval. Uasin Gishu County had in 2019 sought consultancy services for Cadastral survey mapping of Chereber and Chebarus Trading Centres. With the approval of the proposed plan, subject to final approval by the County Assembly, Chereber is set to get a new face, in terms of planning. The plan will also put in place guidelines on land use within the trading center, limiting agricultural activities in favor of commercial structures. Already the proposed local physical and land use development plan for Chereber Trading Centre has been committed to the Uasin Gishu County Assembly Committee of Urban and Physical Planning for consideration. If you’re looking for a place to buy la

How To Avoid Fraudsters When Buying Land: 5 Things You Must Establish

  Buying and selling of land are one of the booming businesses today in Kenya. With billions of money in the industry, there are usually individuals out to take advantage - and if you are not keen you might fall prey to fraudsters. To be on the safe side, here is a list of basic things you need to establish before finalizing that deal of buying land; 1. Does the land exist? This is the first important thing that you need to establish. The best way to confirm that the land really exists is by physically visiting it. The trick here is never to believe in photos, always insist on a physical site visit. Aside from the site visit, d o a land search for that piece of land that will among others let you know the real owners and its actual location. Find Property in Uasin Gishu County Baoriat Agencies Call: +254 721-554-937 2. What's planted in the land When looking for agricultural land, always establish the kind of crops that they land you intend to purchase is currently bei

EXPERT OPINION: The Business of Dairy Farming – A Case for the Modern Dairy Farmer

  Most people are aware that dairy farming in Kenya bears little resemblance to yesteryears. As with other forms of livestock farming, such as poultry farming, beef production and crop farming - small, traditional dairy farms have been steadily pushed to adapt to current measures, trends and maintain high levels of production. Agriculture contributes to about 33% of the country’s GDP. 8% of this is from dairy farming, where Kenya produces close to 3.43 billion liters of milk annually. Kenya has a population of over 4.5 million dairy cows and these cows contribute 30-40% of the continent’s supply of milk. However, over the years this population has significantly declined at an alarming rate, primarily because of the challenges that modern dairy farmers encounter. Like today, traditional dairy farmers could not know what threats lay ahead, so they had to learn to anticipate and solve problems. By working and protecting their dairy animals on their small piece of agricultural land, th