Purchasing a property is the biggest financial investment of your life and you need to look after it and make good choices. The idea is that you can take out a mortgage loan to help you pay for the purchase and as time goes by, the property accumulates in value. The longer you hold on to it, the more value it will accumulate and when you decide to resell it, you will hopefully be able to do so at a higher price compared to what you paid for it. Aside from the passage of time, the state of the economy influences supply and demand in the real estate market. In turn, price growth and property values and various environmental factors affect the value of your property. Some aspects such as taking care of your home might fall within your control, but others such as what is happening in the neighborhood or economy are usually beyond your control. Understanding the factors means that you can take care of your property to ensure it grows in value and at the same time have a better s...