Fig1: Uasin Gishu County map When looking for either Agricultural land, Residential or even Commercial land, buying land in Uasin Gishu County is indeed a good investment. Uasin Gishu County consitutes of 6 subcounties that you can buy land from. They include; Turbo, Moiben, Kesses, Kapseret, Soy and Ainabkoi. Here are the reasons why you should buy land in Uasin Gishu County: 1. Good transport system. Uasin Gishu has an extensive network of over 300 kilometers of tarmac roads, 549 kilometers of marram road and 377 kilometers of earth roads. Eldoret city in Uasin Gishu is a vital transport corridor that links Kenya, Uganda and Sudan ( South Sudan ) . The count y is a ccessible by the road from Nairobi through Nakuru . There is also 179 kilometers of railway line with 8 stations. In addition, the county is also blessed to have an inland container depot. The Moi International Airport and two Airstrips are also situated in the county hen...