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Road Projects Likely To Push Land Prices High In Uasin Gishu County

  Uasin Gishu is among the top counties in Kenya that you should consider investing in – especially in buying land. The county has rich agricultural land as well as a huge market base for real estate in Eldoret town – its capital which is ranked the fastest-growing urban centre in Kenya, and the fourth most populated after Nairobi, Mombasa, Ruiru and Nakuru. Since the onset of devolution in 2013, Uasin Gishu has witnessed tremendous growth in several key areas, among them infrastructure, which has led to a rise in land prices. We take you through some of the ongoing projects, and those that have already been completed which are likely to push higher the value of land in Uasin Gishu. Eldoret Bypass It is not the first time that we are mentioning the impact of the Sh6 billion Eldoret bypass on the value of the land. Already land around the bypass route has skyrocketed and once the project is complete, the prices will still rise. The 32 kilometres bypass which starts at Cheplask

Major Urban Areas in Uasin Gishu (Apart from Eldoret) – Where to Buy Land

  Uasin Gishu is one of the 47 counties in Kenya located in the former Rift Valley Province with Eldoret town as its capital. The county number 27 is located on a plateau and has a cool and temperate climate. Uasin Gishu is known as Kenya’s food basket due to Agriculture being a major economic activity amongst its locals that mainly plant maize, wheat as well as practice dairy farming among others. Apart from Eldoret town which is the largest population centre in the county which also serves as an administrative and commercial centre, there are several other urban centres in Uasin Gishy where you can invest in – by buying land, either for commercial use or for agricultural purposes. Moi’s Bridge Located in Soy Sub County, along Eldoret-Kitale road, Moi’s Bridge is among the most populated urban areas outside Eldoret town. Currently, a trading centre, Moi’s Bridge hosts several financial institutions, the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) silo as well as an agrohub T

To Buy Or Build? Options For Homeowners In A Covid-Hit World

  By The Standard The method of homeownership has divided opinion among industry experts over the year, but it is more pronounced now following the devastation of Covid-19 on incomes. Various restrictions put in place since last year to contain the pandemic have led to companies laying off some employees or requiring them to work from home on reduced pay. Working from home has also brought the issue of space to the fore as people get locked in with their families. “Most of the people who do not make a lot of money will definitely be looking for affordable housing,” says Beatrice Wacuka, a research analyst at Superior Homes Kenya. “That is why you see some of those residential areas around the city now deserted as people look for cheaper options. A lot of people are looking for options, and housing is now an issue most discussed.” She says as the markets are in stress, people who can afford to buy some of the properties on offer should go for them.  “Of course in the end the

Steps of Land Succession in Kenya: How To Buy Land Involved in Succession

i Succession is the passage of property from one person or entity to another after death. When someone who owns property dies, he/she usually leaves behind a will on who it will be transferred to, but in the event there is no will what happens to the ownership of that property? This is where succession comes in. Succession is generally a technical thing to handle and it can be complicated where there was no will beforehand. Succession is a legal process handled purely by the court. Once the succession process is completed, land subdivision can be initiated, if the property is owned by multiple people/entities, after which everyone can get their respective title deeds.   Under the Law of Succession, property/land of the deceased (if husband) can be inherited by wife/wives, children or deceased parents. In the event, the deceased was married and with children, the surviving spouse is entitled – this entitlement, however, ends when the spouse remarries. If the deceased is no

Moi’s Bridge Set for Major Facelift as It Prepares for a Town Status – Where to Buy Land

  Locals in Mos’s Bridge Township and its environs will soon start enjoying improved services following the Uasin Gishu County’s efforts to elevate into a town.   As the county works on meeting the criteria for Moi’s Bridge to be a town, several projects have already been rolled out in the township that lies at the border of Trans Nzoia and Kakamega counties.   One of the major development currently going on in the area is infrastructure development.   Several roads that will connect to a number of key public utilities are being tarmacked around Moi’s Bridge in what will come as a blessing to landowners as usually new roads come with a rise in land prices.   According to Uasin Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago, road works at Moi’s Bridge Township are currently at 65 per cent complete.   “This will improve connectivity and access to vital public utilities as we prepare Moi's Bridge for an elevation to a Town status,” Mandago noted. Recently, Uasin Gishu County Executive Com

Circumstances Under Which Consent To Use Agricultural Land Can Be Denied – LAND ACT (PART TWO)

  Under the Land Act, powers to grant or deny consent to an individual wishing to utilize an agricultural land is vested on the Land Control Boards. When deciding whether to grant or refuse consent in respect of a controlled transaction, a land control board shall have regard to the effect which the grant or refusal of consent is likely to have on the economic development of the land concerned or on the maintenance or improvement of standards of good husbandry within the land control area. The board shall also act on the principle that consent ought generally to be refused where the person to whom the land is to be disposed of — (a) Is unlikely to farm the land well or to develop it adequately; or (b) Is unlikely to be able to use the land profitably for the intended purpose owing to its nature; or (c) Already has sufficient agricultural land; Find Property in Uasin Gishu County Baoriat Agencies Call: +254 721-554-937 The person to whom the share is to be disposed of can al

LAND ACT: All You Need To Know About Laws Controlling Transactions in Agricultural Land (PART ONE)

  Land Control Act, also known as the Land Act is an Act of Parliament enacted to provide for controlling transactions in agricultural land. The ACT describes agricultural land as land that is; -           Not within a municipality or a township; -           An area which was, on or at any time after the 1st July 1952, a township under the Townships Act (Cap. 133, 1948 now repealed); -           An area which was, on or at any time after the 1st July 1952, a trading centre under the Trading Centres Act (Cap. 278, 1948 now repealed); Find Property in Uasin Gishu County Baoriat Agencies Call: +254 721-554-937 -           A market; -           Land in the Nairobi Area or in any municipality, township or urban centre that is declared by the Minister, by notice in the Gazette, to be agricultural land for the purposes of this Act, other than land which, by reason of any condition or covenant in the title thereto or any limitation imposed by law, is subject to the restriction that