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Breakdown on the Cost of Building a 3 Bedroom House in Kenya

When building a house – a three-bedroom house for that matter – the cost will always depend on a number of things; from location, type of materials you are using, size of the house, quality of materials you intend to use and design of the house among others. This article takes you through a breakdown on the cost of the whole house, from the start to the end. Also Read:  Tips on How to Build a Cheap House in Kenya Costs in this article do are for individuals who alrady have a land to construct the house. To start with, you will need about Sh5,000 to pay for people digging out the house foundation. Then about Sh200,000 for materials that will be used in the construction of a slab – which include cement, sand, ballast, foundation stones, and labor. Once the slab is complete, the next step is putting up the house courses. If for example your 3 bedroom house will have 9 courses, this should take about three days to reach the lintel (an estimation of three courses in a day) – which will cost

Tips on How to Build a Cheap House in Kenya

Building a house can be a very costly affair, especially at this time that we have witnessed a rise in the cost of many products – including building materials. We will give you some of the tips you can make use of to get that dream house you have been longing for at a cheaper cost – but at the same time maintaining quality and safety standards. Materials When picking the kind of materials you want to use in building your house, always settle on the commonly available ones and have a high supply within your area – these materials usually cost less and will save you interruptions and delays in your construction site. Find Property in Uasin Gishu County Baoriat Agencies Call: +254 721-554-937 Size Rather than building a big house, consider settling on a small one – it is more affordable to build and economical to maintain. You should also avoid using too big windows in your house. Reducing the size of your house and windows significantly reduces the general cost of the house

Land For Sale In Eldoret: 9 Steps To Follow When Buying Land

Land is arguably the most valuable fixed asset that a person can own today. It is a dream of many people to own a piece of land – even if it is a 1/16. For a rich agricultural county like Uasin Gishu, it will always be a big deal to have your own land or a plot, for those living in urban areas. Buying land is a process that takes time and has procedures you need to follow to the latter from seeing that ‘Land for Sale’ banner to getting full ownership. We take you through some of the key steps you need to follow when buying land – not only in Eldoret or Uasin Gishu but also across the country.  1.        Search and inspection of land After identifying a piece of land that you want to purchase, you will need to confirm a few details about it – like the owner of the land, location, actual size among others. To get all these details, you will need to do a search – either at Land offices or you can do it at the comfort of your house, via online. Aso Read:  Step-By-Step Guide on On

7 Best Estates around Eldoret Town Ideal for Building a Home

Eldoret town has so much to offer in terms of business opportunities in the real estate – due to its fast-growing rate in terms of population. The town which is the capital of Uasin Gishu county is ranked as the fastest-growing urban centre in Kenya today and the fifth most populated with a population of 400,000 people, just behind Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Ruiru. Apart from being a top destination for business investment, Eldoret town is also a place you should consider living in – buy land and construct your own home. We take you through some of the best estates around this City of Champions that is ideal for a home. Chepkanga Located about 11 kilometres from Eldoret Central Business District (CBD) along the Eldoret-Iten road, Chepkanga is an ideal estate for a person looking for land to construct a house. The estate is synonymous with the middle class, most of who have their own homes – where they are currently living. Kipkorgot This is an estate located along the E

The Journey of Eldoret Municipality – From Administrative Center in 1912 to a City

  The origin of Eldoret town – or rather Eldoret Municipality can be traced back to 1912 when the then colonial governor established an administrative centre by setting up a Post Office that was renamed from ‘64’ to the new official name being used to date – ‘Eldoret’. Eldoret is a name that has an origin from the Maasai word ‘Eldare’ – in reference to the Sosiani River (Stony River), but a spelling error led to the name being ‘Eldoret’ instead of‘Eldaret’ . The growth of Eldoret town in the early years was stimulated by it being an administrative centre that led to an enormous increase in trade within the prospective city. A bank and several shops were built. On November 14th 1912, Eldoret, with an acreage of 2,770 was officially proclaimed a township. When the Governor of Kenya, Sir Robert Coryndon arrived in Eldoret on the first train in 1924, a new era began for the town and Western Kenya. Goods could now be imported cheaply and farm produce transported out at competitive rat

4 Must-Do Things When Leasing Land

  Land leasing is one of the common practices especially in agricultural areas like Uasin Gishu County. With the harvesting season almost over in most parts of the county – for those who planted maize or wheat, there are many landowners who are willing to lease out their land – just as there are so many people looking for the land they can lease, for agricultural purpose, ahead of the next planting season. At Baoriat Agencies , we help connect a person willing to lease out land and the one looking for make use of the land available for lease. Assuming you have already identified a piece of land you want to lease – for whatever reason – be it agricultural or business purposes, here are 4 things you must do before finalizing that deal.   1.   Land Search   Only a legitimate landowner can lease it out to another person – the rule has always been that ‘you cannot give what you don’t have’. The only way to tell if the person leasing land is the rightful owner is by doing a land se

Land For Lease: Types of Land Leasing In Uasin Gishu

  Land leasing is a process in which a legitimate landowner agrees to allow another person to use his/her land for a given period of time in exchange for land. Normally, a person, or an entity leasing land does so for a commercial reason – seeking to use the land in an activity that will generate profit for him/her. A lease can go for up to 99 years for public land or up to a year for agricultural land – the most common among locals in Uasin Gishu. So who can lease land? If you own land and have proper documentation for it, you can lease land. The government is also allowed to lease public land while local authorities can also lease trust land. The maximum term of government  leases  is 99 years . What are the types of land leasing available in Uasin Gishu? Being an agricultural county, the most common type of land leasing is for agricultural purposes. In this type of land leasing, a landowner gives away his/her land to a person intended to use the land for agricultural purpo