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mansion house in kenya In Kenya, majority of our architectures buy their inspiration from developed countries such as the Europeans. This explains the rationale of different use of terminologies and styles which tend to reflect those of the region. Most common building materials used in Kenya are brick and mortar. While it may be true that this list may not be as exhaustive with several points of departure as a result of the parameters used, this content represents the general scenario on the ground. What are these different types of Houses in Kenya? 1. Bungalow. Bungalows are the most common houses we have in Kenya. They are both found in rural and urban centers. Unlike Mansion house, Bungalow is one-stored building. It is extended horizontally rather than vertically. Its common properties include; low pitched and presence of a veranda. 2. Mansion They are also referred to as Town house or Maisonette. This kind of a house normally is extended vertically rather than horizonta


Real estate houses in Kenya In Real Estate, Lead generation is a process or rather an action of stimulating and cultivating potential customers for a business's products or services. How can someone find quality Real Estate lead generation? Here are the major ways you can always go for and how to convert those leads once you have them: Contact your sphere. It is actually very important to make contacts with your sphere. This is one of the ways to generate quality leads as a Real Estate  Investor. Make your customers aware that you are taking new listings. Communication! Communication! Communication is indeed very vital in any kind of business. As a matter of fact, good communication with your clients  would truly do you good. Give them a call just to check on them and know their whereabouts. Note that you may make countless calls before you really get desired results. Don't despair! Call expired listings. Expired listing is regarded as the most qualified lead that exists. You c


As we saw earlier from our previous article,  land is indeed the greatest financial investment we have in Kenya. However, there are multiple of things you should put into consideration before purchasing land in Kenya. These factors  include; 1. Location of the land. Location of the land is one of the very crucial factors every land investor should put in consideration. Wherever your land is situated mostly determines which kind of activity will be suitable to be carried on that piece of land. Is it agricultural activities? Is it a residential land? Or is it both? Land’s location is indeed paramount as it determines your satisfaction as a land owner. In addition, focus on areas with growth potentials 2. Carry out extensive research on your own. When purchasing land, be aware of the available options before making up your mind. Do not be in a hurry of buying land. Take your time and ensure that the kind of land you wanted from the beginning is the one you are going for. Find out


Photography of a raw land in Kenya. Do most people in Kenya prefer to invest in Land? Of course yes! Land or real estate at large is one of the greatest investment we have here in Kenya. You want to find out how and why? This article will answer all your questions concerning importance of land investment. In comparison to other investments we have in our country, land investment/Real estate investment stands out. 1. Land appreciates fast. Unlike other commodities, land's value keeps appreciating with time. Here in Kenya for example, when you compare the price of land you bought five years ago, the same size of land today has relatively appreciated in terms of value and price. Being a scarce commodity in Kenya, land is treated as  precious as gold. Owning that piece of land is indeed a privilege.  In addition, If you conduct your due diligence correctly and make sure that the piece of land is in a path of growth, you might end up making as much profit as five times the original pric


Every individual who owns a vacant land or raw land can tell you how hard it is to actually sell it compared to selling existing property like a home. This is because it is bare land which makes it difficult for potential buyers to visualize the potential of the property and see its value. You just need to tailor your tools, strategies and focus for selling this type of property. Here are the tips on how how you can minimize the sales cycle and help you get fast money from your land. 1. Price your land right. Coming up with the right price for your land is one of the fastest ways of selling off your vacant land  in Kenya. To achieve this, you can either: Talk to a Real Estate Agent who can guide you further on how to price your land basing on how other people in the same area are selling their land. Alternatively, find a Real Estate Professional who will help you valuate the property. You might fall in a trap of setting a price which is not in line with market prices. Most land sellers


land title search form.   A search is a document issued by the land registry showing the owner of the land, land’s size, location of the land, encumbrances (a claim or liability against real estate including liens, easements encroachments or licenses) and restrictions.  With the advancement in technology, the Kenyan government has come up with a way through which individuals can search for land on a self-service basis. Unlike in the past where land records were disorganized giving room for corrupt people grabbing land from the rightful owners. Today, with the digitization of all records in Kenya, all these is set to change. Thanks to technology that is rapidly growing reducing work load and long cues people used to make in the past. How do I conduct online land search in Kenya? Nowadays, searching land in Kenya does not require you to struggle as much. Just at the comfort of your home you can be able to conduct land search easily. Do you want to know how? Below are the simple steps you


Agricultural land in Kenya. It is a dream of every person in Kenya to own a piece of land. Majority of the people don’t know how to make it happen. Baoriat Agencies can help you achieve this dream. We have experience of doing this not forgetting that we strive to develop long-lasting relationships that are built on trust with our customers. We do not compromise on our reputation, values, or ethics to get results. Below are the five stages involved in land transfer in Kenya: STEP 1: LAND SEARCH. Land search is the first step for any land transaction. A search is a document issued by the land registry showing the owner of the land, land’s size, location of the land, encumbrances (a claim or liability against real estate including liens, easements encroachments or licenses) and restrictions. It takes one day to get and costs Kenya Shillings 2,500 only. STEP 2: ACQUIRE LAND TRANSFER DOCUMENTS. Involves contacting a lawyer to facilitate obtain and notarize the land transfer documents.